The Plum Village App
A free app with guided meditations, deep relaxations and other practices offered by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and his monastic community.

Thich Nhat Hanh had a vision for making good use of technology, to be able to share the practice with people on their mobile phone… so the Plum Village App is the realisation of that vision: to have Plum Village wherever we go. That means we have freedom.
Brother Phap Luu
Taking care of feelings
This guided meditation offered by Brother Phap Linh is one of the hundreds of resources included in the app. Please take a few minutes to sit or lay down and practice taking care of your feelings.

This is by far the most useful meditation app I have ever encountered. It is also free, which is a huge blessing!
Alex Dam, US (App Store review)
The Oak Forest Team

Raj is the lead developer and occasional guardian angel. He’s using his magic to make the app work smoothly for everyone.

Justin, a software developer, was inspired after visiting Plum Village to explore how technology can support mindful living.

Jas has been a mindfulness facilitator and teacher for over ten years! She is helping with communications and social media.

Cata is the founder of the app, and he’s interested in the connection between technology, mental health and mindfulness.

Karim spent 18 months in Plum Village, is passionate about climate justice and currently helps with content curation.

Sr. True D.
Sister True Dedication helps us keep in sync with the Plum Village monastic sangha, overviewing from PV HQ in France.

Maarten is very passionate about mindfulness and community building. He’s taking care of the design and user experience.

Shikhin is a software developer. He likes to code, go on long hikes and spend time with loved ones.

Tuyen is a dedicated translator who loves to express her gratitude every day and the company of kind friends.

Anca, our assistant manager, is a convinced reuser, upcycler, and walker with a strong interest in media literacy and environmental communication.

Borja is a consultant serving community empowerment projects. He’s our go-to person for transparency reports and open governance strategy.

Cyn is our social media gardener and long time PV practitioner. She is a traveler and researcher of science, spirit, tech and well-being.
How to support the app
This app and all its content is provided for free and that’s how we’d like to keep it! But we can’t do that alone; we need support. Because we want to offer new content, keep improving the user experience, add more features to help people live their lives with wisdom and joy. So we’ve started the Oak Forest Family. As trees do in the forest, we also take care and support each other. Please join our family!