How to see

If you are a poet, you will see clearly that there is a cloud floating in this sheet of paper. Without the cloud there can be no rain; without water, the trees cannot grow; and without trees, you cannot make paper. So the cloud is in here. The existence of this page is dependent upon […]

Our mind and mental formations 

Our mind is made of particles. Modern physics speaks about matter, reality as being made of subatomic particles. But in Buddhist psychology we speak about consciousness – mind – in terms of mental formations: very tiny particles that make up our mind.  ‘Formation’ is translated from the word samskara. Anything that is formed, like a […]

Dana: the practice of giving

Dear Sangha, I have transmitted to you the ways, the practices, that will allow us to cross to the Other Shore. We don’t want to stay on the shore of anger and jealousy, we want to cross over to the Other Shore: the shore of well-being, non-anger, joy, equanimity, and love.  Crossing over to the Other […]